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I Am the Life

November 8, 2020
Jesus promises us that He is the life to those who are dead in sins. When he saves us, he gives us eternal life that is our present reality. Now,…
Culture questions truth and leaves it to the individual to decide what is true. For the believer, God is our source of truth and because of Jesus, we can know…
The political season often brings frustration, uncertainty, and division. As Christians, we are to remember the promises made to us by Jesus. Through Jesus Christ, the promise of heaven is…
Christ displayed his love for us when he gave his life on the cross. By loving like Christ, ALL people will know we are associated with Christ.
Special Guest Speaker Jeremy Lynn, missionary to Ethiopia, shares with us how Living counter to religious culture means we value Christ above all else by trusting and obeying His Word.
We are all worshipers. We either worship the one true God or we worship a lesser, underserving god. True Worship is valuing or treasuring God above all things. We worship…